Dog Grooming FAQs

Dog Grooming FAQs

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Bareham's Dog Grooming Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re not familiar with the process of dog grooming, here are some of the most frequently asked questions we're asked by our clients...

  • How much should I pay to have my dog groomed?

    Dog Grooming prices vary depending on the size of and breed of your dog. It's best to call or email us, or book online.

  • Why should I have my dog groomed?

    Many pet owners confuse “grooming” with “clipping”. In fact clipping (which is commonly done to poodles, spaniels, terriers, as well as to mixed breed dogs) is only one procedure in the grooming process. Grooming also includes combing and brushing, cutting nails, plucking hair from ears, and parasite control. Although the most obvious result of these procedures is an improved appearance, the major benefits to your pet are increased comfort and social acceptability, and perhaps even improved health.

  • Do all dogs need grooming?

    All dogs need an occasional bath, but it is more important to keep your dog combed and brushed, especially if he has long hair. Matted hair can easily cause skin problems and unnecessary discomfort for your dog an, if neglected for too long, can require a lengthy grooming session. Uncomfortable for your pet, and expensive for you! On the other hand, regular brushing improves your dog’s skin tone and circulation, and will keep his coat healthier and more attractive.

  • I bathe my dog once a week. Is that enough?

    More than enough – in fact too much bathing will dry out his skin. Most dogs do not need to be bathed more than once a month; some do not need to be bathed more than once every six months unless they get extremely dirty. However, long-haired dogs should be brushed out properly at least once a week; this is better for them than a bath.

  • Why does bathing not get rid of his “doggy smell?”

    It’s possible that your dog’s teeth, ears, or anal sacs are responsible for the problem. Your groomer will be able to help you to determine the nature of the problem and refer you to your vet if necessary.

  • Why does my dog scratch a lot even though he doesn’t have fleas?

    Scratching is often caused by dry skin, not fleas. This could be the result of excessive bathing, dry climate, nutritional deficiency, allergies, or the wrong type of shampoo. Discuss this problem with your groomer first, and your vet if necessary.

  • Why does my dog’s nails get so long?

    Probably because he doesn’t walk on hard surfaces often enough to keep them worn down naturally. Ask your dog groomer to check them and clip them if they’re getting long.

  • Why does my friend’s dog always look tidier than mine?

    It’s not your dog groomers fault! Your friend probably has regular 6-to-8-week appointments with the groomer, and keeps their dog well brushed between appointments. This kind of regular attention enables the groomer to devote more time and effort to beautifying the dog during the grooming session, instead of de-matting and trying to salvage a neglected coat.

  • Should I bathe my dog before taking him to the groomer?

    Actually one of the worst problems that confront dog groomers is to work on a dog that has been bathed without being brushed out completely. The result of such a practice is a coat that is so firmly matted that clipping is sometimes the only solution. Ask your groomer if bathing at home prior to grooming is recommended, and always brush your dog properly before bathing.

  • How old should my dog be before his first grooming appointment?

    Even though a three-month-old puppy is not usually in need of grooming, it’s worth the time and cost to take him to your groomer so he gradually gets used to the process of dog grooming, and learns to accept grooming as an experience to enjoy rather than fear. This will make later sessions, when he does need them, a lot less stressful for everyone!

If you have an additional question, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

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